
  • Index large text files using Java

    A couple of weeks ago I found myself in a situation where I needed to index the content of a text file whose size was quite big, more than the available RAM in the PC. Basically, the idea was to replicate the behaviour of a database index by going through the file and looking for specific lines that we wanted to index and than saving the line along with the position in the file. We can later use the position to move quickly inside the file to retrieve the desired information.

  • Hack the Tower event in London

    In this post I’d like to talk about something less technical, or at least something that doesn’t include code snippets.

  • Lambda Behave testing framework

    Today I attended a small hack day organized with the purpose of trying out and play a little bit with a new Java testing testing framework. The framework is called Lambda Behave, and it is developed and maintained by Richard Warburton, author of the book Java 8 Lambdas. More details and the public source code are available at this link:

  • Implementation of HashSet in Java

    In this post I’ll be talking about how the class HashSet is implemented in Java. We’ll be having a look at the source code included with the OpenJDK project.

  • Learning new programming languages using exercism

    In this post I want to talk about a project that I found really useful if you want to learn a new programming language. The project I’m talking about is

  • Displaying items details when clicking on an item in a ListView

    For the first post of this blog I want to talk about something related to Android. In particular, the other day I was working on an Android application, and I wanted it to behave like this:

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